Hi, {MEMBER}, can you guys hear me okay? Perfect, real quick do you have a pen and paper with you? If not, go ahead and grab one! Let me know when you’re ready!
To reintroduce myself, My name is {AGENT} I’m one the service Reps with American Income and I am a member of the OPEIU Union local 277.
As I mentioned on the phone, your {GROUP} had set some things up for you.
Do you remember getting your 3×5 union card and the letter attached? Looks like the one on the screen here.
So, my job today is pretty simple, just to serve you, go over your no-cost benefits and most importantly see if you can qualify for the permanent benefit options made available. Does that make sense just like your letter talked about?
I know you guys are very busy, so you probably don’t mind if I give you the quick version, do you?
Just a little background for you. For the last 70 years, we’ve been approved to work through over 20,000 Labor Unions, Credit Unions, as well as Associations like firefighters, police officers, veterans groups & teacher’s.
Now we are also the only company that has a Labor Advisory Board with over 40 International Union Presidents that endorse what we do for families and people like yourself. If you look at this chart hard, most of the time you can find your president on here! Just like how you guys work very hard or worked very hard for the union, we are going to work very hard for you to get you set up with the best benefits possible.
They have me covering some things with you today that you’re absolutely going to love, however, they also have me covering some things with you today that you’re NOT really going to want to hear, but either way I’m going to be honest with you.
Is it ok if I’m honest with you?
(Upbeat Tone ) Now whether you like unions or not, you know their job is to negotiate wages, benefits of course and working conditions for their workers.
(Upbeat Tone )So with all their experience and advice, it was HUGE for what has been set up for you.
All the {GROUP} Members love it! The hope is, you can qualify for everything.
So just stop me if you have any questions because at the end. We will have to fill out this Officer Report Form since they do only allow me to stop out here once during your service period, Does that make sense?
Perfect, While I get this set up :
1. How long have you been in the {GROUP} for? (RELATE BACK)
A: Are you getting the full 40 or any Overtime ? (Relate back “yes we’ve been slammed for months now”)
1. I was going to ask, How did you get into that line of work? Is this what your family does for a living?
2. {SPOUSE} What do you do for work? Is work pretty steady for you as well?
3. Anything I can report back to the Union whether it be good or bad? Now we never mention any names!
So this is the first benefit you get through your union dues. This is your first no-cost benefit, the AIL Plus Card.
Let me ask you, who do you have for your health insurance? Do you use Bluecross Blueshield or United Health?
(Whatever they say) Ok, well this is going to work hand in hand with them.
Do you wear glasses or contacts? Is that genetic? (Find out who else in their family).
(Keep their answer in the back of your head)
The benefit is designed to help lower your out of pocket expenses and will not affect your existing health coverage.
You can receive discounts up to 85% off on vision care, 20-60% prescription drugs, UP TO 60% hearing aids and chiropractic services.
Out of those 3 TO 4 which ones do you spend the most on or use the most ?
So next time you go to get your (XYZ), you’ll show them the AIL Plus card and your regular health insurance and use whatever one saves you the most money. Does that make sense?
This next part is an epidemic that deals with our children (pause and get serious).
I’m sure you know families with children, right {MEMBER} ?
What percentage of the people in your phone do you think have kids?
Who’s the first person that comes to mind that just had a newborn?
The reason I say that is that what we found with the FOP kids go missing every 30 seconds in America. If they are not found within 24hrs there’s a 93% chance they will never be found.
We have all been there when you take your eyes off the kids for a split second and they disappear around the corner right? How does that feel?
A parent understands how scary that is. I can’t imagine what those parents are going through when the kids don’t come home for days or weeks or not at all…
On the inside
Section 1 Personal Information (Height/weight/hair color. etc)
Section 2 Physical description (scars/birthmarks etc)
Section 3 DNA Sample (Hair sample)
Section 4 The finger prints. (All 10 Fingers).
Then you close it up and tuck it away, and god forbid the kids don’t get off the school bus one day, you have all their information ready to go for the police to issue the amber alerts
Our goal is to blanket the community with these child safe kits. which are endorsed by the international police unions
I am sure you would agree that if we got these out to 1,000 families and it saved even one small child it would be well worth it, right? (nod head)
So we need your help, let’s get this out to anyone with kids or grandkids. (Be suggestive)
Who is the person you know with the most kids?
1. Okay what’s their first name/last name
2. How many kids?
3. Then what is the best Phone # to get this issued out to them?
Who’s Next? Whose the person that had the most recent newborn?
So the next no cost benefit that your {GROUP} has set up for you is the Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefit that your letter talked about. Did you get a chance to re-read this? No worries, I’ll recap it for you!
{MEMBER}, this is a living benefit that pays you {½ of AD&D AMOUNT} for the loss of one hand, one foot, or sight in one eye due to an accident; and double that amount, for the loss of any two, due to an accident.
{MEMBER} for you, this is a death benefit that would pay {SPOUSE} that full {AD&D AMOUNT} should you die as a result of an accident. Now the {GROUP} knows that {AD&D AMOUNT} doesn’t seem like all the money in the world
(Single/Retired)- when {MEMBER} dies, they know funerals are getting expensive so they want to make sure every little bit helps right?
(Married)- but if you died, the paycheck would die with you, and I’m sure that would put a major crunch in the budget, right?
{MEMBER} it looks you wanted {SPOUSE} as your beneficiary correct? When something happens, you’re going to need our local office number so go ahead and grab your cell phone or a pen/paper and let’s get that down there for you
OK, the number is 1-800-686-0042. So While you have your phone out one thing I do have to get is 2 contingent beneficiaries, should you both die in a common accident.
This should be somebody over the age of 18 and HIGHLY responsible!
Who would be your 1st? (Be Suggestive)
(First/Last Name and “Best number to get ahold of them when something happens to you?” City, State?
Perfect, Who is your 2nd?(Be Suggestive)
(First/Last Name and “Best number to get ahold of them when something happens to you?” City, State?
So {MEMBER}, just give them a heads up, we just have to go over the claim forms with them to make sure they know who to call and what the claim form looks like.
While I get the rest of your benefits set up on my end, go ahead and send that text out to your contingent beneficiaries and let me know when you’re ready
You can give them a text and let them know I’ll be contacting them to take care of all that. I don’t want to blind side them.
If it would help you I can send you a text that you can copy and paste. Would that help?
I’m going to send you that text now, so you can send it to them!
{MEMBER}, are you familiar with the Catch-Up Plan?
(No): It’s designed to take care of all the members by the end of the month. Two big problems they’ve been having:
1. As you can imagine, some of the cards are getting lost in the mail.
2. Some of the people you work with don’t have the neatest handwriting so trying to get in contact with them isn’t the easiest.
I would imagine you have a group text or you text with some of the guys or gals you work with on your shift?
(If they say Yes): So what they have every single member do, is of course check on 5-10 of the guys that they work with. What I’ll do is just go back to our online office and check if they’ve been seen. If they have no worries, but if they haven’t, of course we’ll bump them up to the top of the list to make sure they get these benefits. So what’s your closest buddy at works name? What is their last name? What’s their number? Who’s next…
(I THINK THAT’S ENOUGH) Of course they want to make sure I get these benefits out to everyone, so it would make my job a lot easier, so let’s do about 1 more minute rapid fire that way everyone gets their benefits.
(I DON’T WANT TO GIVE OUT NAMES) (Okay no worries, these benefits are already theirs, that’s kind of why we check our database, if you don’t feel comfortable by no means do you have to give them out, we can just circle back to it at the end.)
I’ll go back to the online office and check to see if they’ve already been seen. If they have no worries, but if they haven’t we’ll bump them up to the top of the list to make sure they get these.
Now do you mind if I name drop you so they know I at least sat with you?
If they Say (No): Why don’t we do this … While I put some of the other benefits together for you, most of the members have me check on 5-10 of the guys you work with.
I’ll go back to the online office and check to see if they’ve already been seen. If they have no worries, but if they haven’t we’ll bump them up to the top of the list to make sure they get these.
What a lot of the guys do to find the number is either look in their cell, check with one of their buddies, or look it up in a phonebook.
Either way, if you can handle that, I’ll keep working on some things on my end real quick. Let me know when you have a few so I can get back to home office with it!
(Start Suggesting)
(Stress exclusiveness and be suggestive)
For years, these benefits you just received were only ever made available to members of exclusive groups we work with like the police officers, firefighters and veterans groups etc.
But because of overwhelming member requests, finally, the company is now allowing you to extend these same benefits to people who are closest to you.
Now this is more of a thank you to you, for all the hard work you’ve done while with the union. It’s important to know and pretty cool that this is at no cost to you and no cost to them, but it’s very important to take advantage of this because to be honest we don’t know how long they’ll allow you to do this.
Unfortunately, you cannot extend these benefits to everyone,
but they will allow you to sponsor up to….(Pause)
How many years did you say you were in the (Association/Union/Credit Union) for? (Check “Chart”)
So it looks like you’re allowed to sponsor up to 10 people. They just ask you don’t pre-judge anyone because even if they have good benefits these will definitely still help. Very similar to the Ford’s or Chevy’s Friends and Family Plan. So of course you have (#) of spots, and every member uses every single one of those, so we’ll get this out to your primary beneficiary first…
Most people start with people closest to them or their contingent beneficiaries so let’s start with them…
We will put your 1st contingent beneficiary down (Verify Info)
Then we’ll go ahead and put your 2nd contingent beneficiary down.(Verify info)
Now you also mentioned you had a (Relative/Friend/Buddy at work anyone from previous conversation) … let’s get this to them…
What’s their name? (First/Last Name/ City, ST /Married or Spouse or Single, what do they do for work? Phone # to verify and get it out to them?)
Perfect, who’s next? (Keep assuming and collecting referrals)
{MEMBER}, just do me a quick favor… I’m going to send you a text if you would go ahead and forward it to each one of these people letting them know you passed these benefits along to them. Just want to make sure they know I’ll be giving them a quick call between __&__ to get this out to them. I just don’t want to blindside anyone.
“This is where you’re the professional, this is where you’re informing the members!” (TALK CONFIDENTLY)
Now {MEMBER}, I’m sure you have had a job prior to this one, right? So other than your 401k or retirement, how many other benefits do you still have?
EXACTLY … so same way your benefits work here when you leave your job , quit or when you retire they also go away or get reduced!
Typically 30 to 31 days after you do 1 of those 3 things, most or all of your benefits will go away completely or drastically reduced.
Of course! They don’t want you working all of those years to see all of your benefits ultimately go away completely.
(Upbeat and use your hands) So what THEY did is set up a program for all the members, so you’ll set a little aside now, so your benefits become permanent.
Because if you’re anything like the other {GROUP} members… you definitely don’t want to pay more for something in the long run if you don’t have to, right? (Nod Head, smile)
Exactly I’m sure you’ve heard of people Paying upwards of $600…$700…. a month just for coverage later in life to try to keep them. So they just have us go ahead and lock in your current age, health, and rate today for your benefits.
(Qualifying Section- Have to have a authoritative tone)
Now {MEMBER}, this last service is something that you do have to qualify for and is customized for each family we meet with since everyone is different, so I need to ask you a few questions to see where you are at.
Family Health Questions:
– Has anyone in your household ever been diagnosed with cancer?
Now these ones are just for you &{SPOUSE}
– Any tobacco/nicotine use?
– Has anyone been hospitalized in the last 12 months?
– What is your height/weight?
– Does anyone take prescribed medications? If so, what?
– Any arrests/DUIs in the last 5 years?
– (Only ask if 60+: Any blood Thinners?)
Now all the programs are made to be around about an hour’s wage, with that being said what would you say your monthly take home pay after taxes? (Calculate The Hourly Wage)
– So you make about $XX an hour {MEMBER}? (They’ll Say they make more)
No worries, I’ll keep it at the $XX hourly wage since that what you actually take home! Of course they don’t want you setting aside money you don’t even get!
1. How much life insurance do you have through work? I know they typically start you guys with 30-40,000 or did you opt in for extra?
– (Whatever they say) Ok great, typically those amounts can be lost, reduced or negotiated out at any point of time.
(Show TG-13 IF UNION)
1. Now I’m sure you guys have some life insurance outside of work right or not yet?
-(YES)- Okay great, this program works hand in hand with existing life insurance! I’m sure that’s probably why you set it up to take care of 1-2 years income (Pay off the house ,leave money behind for the kids, etc?)
-(NO) – No worries , {MEMBER}. You are going to love what they have set up for you!
Do you guys use a credit union or a traditional bank?
Before I go any further, I have this mandatory read-off letter for you. It explains how they handle the enrollment process for all the members
What it’s basically saying is that…if…as I’m going through the benefits, you’re nodding your head (visibly nod your head) thinking,
“Wow, these are some great benefits…and I can see why all the other members are enrolling.” Then they’ll go ahead and apply for the full program today while I’m out here.
On the flip-side, if as I’m going through the benefits and you’re thinking to yourself…
“You know, these really are some great benefits, but not all of them fill a need for me and my family right now”
Then they’ll have you enroll in the ones that do or the Silver Plan, provided that you can qualify.
Either way, some or all, that decision DOES have to be made today during your assigned enrollment period in fairness to all the other {GROUP} members waiting to enroll. Does that make sense? (Smile and Nod head yes)
The good thing about these benefits is that they are pretty much a no-brainer, so {MEMBER} you’ll definitely know one way or the other. Are you with me?
The last thing THEY wanted to happen is for me to go through all these benefits and you look at me and say something silly like “you want to think about it” because they’ve already approved all the benefits for you.
No matter what, Whatever you choose to do, they still need your opinion, as I mentioned, on an Officer Report Form/Google Review. So, it’s important that you listen and ask questions. {MEMBER}, will you promise to stop me if you have any questions? Perfect!
(Emphasis, Conviction, Informing them these benefits are theirs)
As I go through these benefits it is important to know that you own them, unlike your group benefits that are not owned.
Group Benefits can be changed, canceled and if you guys ever change jobs or retire, they’re typically gone completely.
So It was designed to be member owned and controlled, PERMANENT AND PORTABLE. That way they stick with you job to job and all the way through retirement. Does that make sense?
Okay Perfect! They also come with your lay-off and strike benefit. If you’re laid off, your premium will be paid for up to 3 months. If you go on strike, your premium is paid for up to 12 months, and when you get back to work you do not have to pay anything back.
Now here’s your union letter that came with your response card,
*Read Letter aloud to them*
any questions on any of that?
The first concern has to do with an all-too-common problem that no one seems to have a solution for: CANCER…
Guys, I am sure you’ve known someone … a friend, neighbor, co-worker, relative, someone who has had cancer before, right?
– Who was it for you?
– What type?
– They still here with us?
– How long ago?
– What was it Like for them?
I know for me its was ……”Give your personal experience”
so, No doubt everyone we talk to knows someone.
(next slide)
Battling cancer is not only costly physically but Modern Medicine is keeping people alive longer and longer at clinics across the country such as The James Cancer Clinic, The Cleveland Clinic….. Cancer also leaves families financially devastated.
The facts are…(Read below)
– Cancer is one of the leading causes of bankruptcy
– Men have a 1 in 2 chance of developing or dying of Cancer and It’s 1 in 3 for women
– Families spend on average $42,000 first-year out of pocket costs for treatment
– There are 1.9 Million cancer diagnoses every year which is 5,000 diagnoses every day.
– Thats Over 609,000 deaths every year that’s 1,690 deaths a day due to cancer
The thing is that most people have pretty good medical coverage. In fact, if you were to get cancer today probably 80%-90% of your medical bills would be paid. However, the tragedy is that only about 50% of the costs related to having cancer are actually medical bills.
You see if you’re battling cancer {MEMBER}, typically you will have lost wages, experimental drugs, special diets, co-pays, deductibles and all types of things that are not covered under your current health insurance, right?
(next slide)
So what they did is they set you up with three different options to make claims upon the first diagnosis of cancer (for each of you).
Bronze – $25,000
Silver – $50,000
Gold – is the full $100,000
Now {MEMBER}, this is a scheduled benefit plan meaning the money is PAID OUT TO YOU whenever you guys have various procedures VS. the doctors or hospitals. Does that make sense?
This is important as you’ll still have your monthly obligations even though you’re battling cancer…like your house/rent payment, car payment, and other payments like feeding the kids…right?
Now this is $25,000 – $100,000 for each of you PER family member
Cancer doesn’t care if you have good health insurance, EXISTING LIFE INSURANCE, money in the bank, or no family history…
Can you imagine adding $3,500+ per month to your current bills? (SHAKE HEAD NO)
I’m sure you can see why having this setup upon the first diagnoses of cancer would be beneficial, right? Why’s That?
so {MEMBER}, I would imagine that when you die, {SPOUSE} would be the one(s) that would handle the problem of the funeral, right?
Well, {MEMBER}, do you know what the average cost of a funeral is these days? That’s right, ($10,000-$15,000).
Now guys, when do you think the Funeral Director wants his money? (Raise Eyebrows,Smile)
Right…normally the funeral home wants 50% of the balance up-front, and the remaining balance within 30 days of that or when the insurance pays out,
Now Life Insurance, especially what you already have through work and your own personal coverage can legally take up to 6-12 months to pay out, if it hasn’t already expired.
Most members don’t have that kind of money lying around… and even if you did, it’s definitely not set aside just for the funeral. Right?
(Next Slide)
So what has been setup is the freedom of choice funeral benefit plan, have you guys ever heard/seen this before?
This is what our police officers, firefighters and teachers use!
Now when {MEMBER} dies from sickness or accident, simply take your certificate to the funeral home, and most if not everything, will be taken care of…such as the services, casket, embalming, headstone, cremation,. etc,
(Next Slide)
So 3 options have been set up for the Freedom of Choice for you , if you can write this down…
The Platinum is ($XXX,XXX)
Now the Gold is ($XXX,XXX)
Then the Silver is ($XXX,XXX)
(Only Say this if they are 35 years old or younger)
Of course you don’t need ($XXX,XXX) to ($XXX,XXX) worth of Freedom of Choice to bury someone, but i’ll explain here in a minute why THEY have yours setup this way
The freedom of choice, will pay your funeral & final expenses so your family doesn’t have to. It’s basically like a blank check.
I wouldn’t advise you to go into the funeral home and tell the funeral director you have (XX-XX,XXX) worth of coverage , because if you do, guess how much your funeral is going to be? Exactly! All of it
SO What your beneficiaries should do instead is you go in with that Freedom of Choice, and negotiate your best deal, without letting them know the amount, that way it puts you in control.
This will also make sure, most if not everything is paid upfront, so it gives your family that cushion for that 6-12 months for the rest of your coverage to eventually pay out! Any leftover money from your FOC will come straight back to family tax free.
The good thing is this is super simple, easy to use, and super low risk.
I’m sure you can see why having this setup will make one of the worst times in {SPOUSE} life a lot easier, right?
Why’s That?
(Also include how cash value works for members 35 and Younger)
Let’s be honest, you’re still young , you probably aren’t thinking about dying in the next 10-15-30 years right?
We typically think, ‘why do we need this?’ When members realized that you could actually make money on this, they loved it!
Do you have anything set up for retirement? (Other than a 401k or Like a ROTH IRA)
(Whatever they say)
A portion of this is going to build a cash value retirement fund
Worst case scenario, you pass away before retirement, your {SPOUSE} is guaranteed that full FOC Amount.
Best case scenario, and what I have mine set up for , you make it to retirement, and you don’t need (XX,XXX) amount of coverage anymore, you can just take the cash value that was built up in it.
Can you see why they set this up? Does that make sense on how this is gonna work while you’re alive and then of course when you pass?
{MEMBER}, if you die tomorrow, what happens to your paycheck? What’s that?
Unlike your current group benefits, they wanted this next benefit to keep your paycheck coming into the home as if you were still around and still working. (Share and Input the Values on Worksheet)….NEXT SLIDE
So {MEMBER}, will receive tax free checks for $X,000 a month for a full 12 TO 36 MONTHS. SO A FULL 1-3 YEARS OF YOUR INCOME SECURED
This will buy your beneficiaries time, it will give them a chance to breathe and figure out what they are going to do with their life, job, and MOST IMPORTANTLY spend time with the family and kids!
{SPOUSE}, What else would it allow you to do?
{MEMBER}, do you see why she’s saying that? Why’s That?
{SPOUSE}, I’m sure you can see why they set this up for you, right?
This has always been the {GROUP} Wifes Favorite benefit because it takes all the financial stress off of you immediately
Do you know what happens to any debt that you leave behind when you pass away?
right…. it goes back on to the family or your kids to continued to be paid off
so what they setup for you is $100,000 of ACCIDENTAL DEATH Debt protection for you {MEMBER}, to make sure whether you make it back home or not tomorrow your FAMILY DOESN’T have to be responsible for anything you leave behind and makes sure THEY ARE secure and protected should you die from an accident.
Now should you die with no debt, this will be money back to the family to take care of anything else needed to be paid! Pretty simple on how that works?
Most members look at that as an emergency fund to replace any money that would have been put into your pension if you died during your working years
Do you know what happens to any debt that you leave behind when you pass away?
right…. it goes back on to the family to continued to be paid off
Besides their income, the next thing people want to protect is their MORTGAGE, Living Expenses , AND DEBT.
If you were to die during your working years it will likely be due to a what (accident)?
So what they set up was a benefit of (100,000) for each of that would pay off the Mortgage / Deb, Take care of a few rent payments, in the event you were to die in an accident.
Should you not need this amount to payoff the mortgage, Most members look at that as an emergency fund to replace any money that would have been put into your pension if you died during your working years
{MEMBER}, I’m sure you can see why they set this up so you don’t have to worry about another mortgage payment or any debt you leave behind, right?
The next major benefit is for the kids.. Current job benefits usually do not have anything here.
So included is a $10,000 Life Insurance Plan for each of your kids (18 and younger) that covers them till Age 21.
And at age 21 there is a guarantee that they could get their own policy for 5 times as much or $50,000.
They will definitely thank you for setting this up for them.
They broke it down to 3 options for all the members
The Platinum is your max out plan If you needed this amount of coverage you can go for it, Mostly for members who want to leave a lot behind for their family or they want to get everything done at once.
This is your 3 hours wage program, That’s only the $XX/wk or just the $XXX per month,
Now the Gold, this is going to be the best bang for your buck you guys ever been to or heard of costco? Why do people go there? Get the most for your dollar! Same thing with this and this is the recommended amount of coverage for all of our members because its beats inflation and keeps it comfortable long term
So this is your 2 hours wage program, That’s only the $XX/wk or just the $XXX per month
Silver this is at least what we’ll handle today, of course members go with the silver, simply to lock in their age, health and rate! Does that make sense?
This is your 1 hours wage PREFERRED program, That’s only the $XX/wk , so just the $XX per month,
Any questions on that?
(explain how much this is per day and relate cost to something people buy daily e.g. Starbucks coffee etc.)
Now guys, they don’t like to tell people what to do with their money, because you don’t like being told what to do with yours, however one of the things I try to do is treat each person I meet with like a family friend. (Be sincere)
{MEMBER}{SPOUSE}, most to all or about 95% of the {GROUP} members have always started with the Gold because they know they need something and it’s going to be the most comfortable long term.
Did you want to do what most {GROUP} members have been doing with the Gold, Or get just get your foot in the door with the Silver because you can always increase down the road?
Okay great, unfortunately it’s not really your wallet that qualifies you. It’s your health. So, I need to ask you some medical questions to make sure you qualify. As I go through these medical questions, think to yourself how many things can go wrong with you medically, to where maybe next enrollment period you wouldn’t be able to qualify at all. After we get through these, we know you’ll never be as young and as healthy as you are today.
1. Have you ever been treated for alcohol abuse or AA?
2. Have you ever taken any non over the counter drugs such as cocaine or hallucinogens?
3. Have you ever had your driver’s license revoked or been arrested?
4. Have you ever been treated for high blood pressure, strokes, or heart attacks?
5. Have you ever been treated for diabetes, paralysis or any brain disorders?
6. Have you ever had arthritis or joint injuries?
7. To the best of your knowledge, do you have any physical impairment?
8. Have you ever been treated for cancer or tumors?
9. Have you ever been rejected for medical/hospital insurance?
10. Have you had a physical in the past 5 years? Height/weight
11. Have you ever had any medical treatment or been hospitalized?
12. Have you ever been diagnosed with a terminal illness or Alzheimer’s?
13. Have you ever been treated for asthma, sleep apnea or any sort of respiratory disorder?
14. Have you ever had any ulcers or any type of digestive disorder?
15. Have you ever received a bone marrow transplant?
16. Any kidney, prostate or urinary disorders?
17. Any breast or uterus diseases?
18. Have you ever been diagnosed with rheumatoid or any types of musculoskeletal disorders?
19. Have you had any loss of hearing or sight?
20. Have you ever tested positive for HIV AIDS?
21. Do you smoke cigarettes or use any form of tobacco?
23. Have you ever used marijuana in the past year ?
OK, I’m not the underwriter, but based on what I’m seeing here it looks like you should be able to qualify for the bronze.
We are going to get you protected today but only under one condition. You promise me if this ever becomes uncomfortable for you, please reach out to me, because I can’t help you if I don’t hear from you, promise?
Ok well the only thing I need from you is your driver’s license and we will get the ball rolling.
This is the Q-R checklist which is a mandatory checklist that we go over with all the members. It explains the enrollment process.
The first thing the checklist talks about is the way the benefits are handled …
{MEMBER}, This program is set up on a once a month computerized deduction through your banking system. Having it done this way gains you a discounted rate. The first draft of $XXX will be within the next 24-48 hours. The ongoing draft date will be any date between TODAY’S DATE through the X moving forward , which date works best for your family?
**Remember the Draft dates cannot be on the 29, 30, or 31…
(DRAFT DATE PAGE BELOW)draft date must be within 14-day window
Draft Dates-
● app draft
● 1 – 15
● 2 – 16
● 3 – 17
● 4 – 18
● 5 – 19
● 6 – 20
● 7 – 21
● 8 – 22
● 9 – 23
● 10 – 24
● 11 – 25
● 12 – 26
● 13 – 27
● 14 – 28
● 15 – 28
● 16 – 28
● 17 – 28
● 18 – 1
● 19 – 2
● 20 – 3
● 21 – 4
● 22 – 5
● 23 – 6
● 24 – 7
● 25 – 8
● 26 – 9
● 27 – 10
● 28 – 11
● 29(1) – 12
● 30(1) – 13
● 31(1) – 14
Application Process:
The enrollment process takes anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks.
IF ACCEPTED: You will receive your policies and a congratulatory letter welcoming you to AIL.
IF DENIED: You will receive today’s deposit back and you could write to American Income and request why.
IF RISK ISSUED: “If there is a health problem, the company will attempt to approve you anyway by adding a Special Risk Premium. You will be notified if this happens.”
Health Risks: Explain or play video of Rated Risk Explanation. (NEXT SLIDE)
HO Phone Call, APS & Exam possibilities:
“You may receive one or more phone calls asking to review the questions I have asked. It is just like a survey when you purchase a new car. It should only take 4-5 minutes. They may ask for a nurse to come out and ask you some medical questions and for either blood or urine specimens. This is at no cost to you and at your convenience. They may request medical records from your doctor. If for some reason, your doctor does not respond to our requests, they may come back to you to call your doctor to speed up the release of your medical records.”
(Finish Application)
{MEMBER}, if you were to give me a rating of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best, would you give me a 5?
(If they say, yes) … I appreciate that! This is a QR Code that will take you directly to a review page.
I would appreciate it if you took a quick 10 seconds to post a review with my name in it so that the group and company can know I did my job well.
Let me ask you a question, #1 Did you think I did a good job, yes or no? #2 Did you think this program is of value?
Do you feel that I served you to the best of my ability?
If you think i did a good job, my #1 job is not only to serve you, but serve and protect the friends and family around you and protect them like i did for you.
IF NO SALE : (I know you didn’t opt in for the permanent benefits which is fine, but you will still receive the no cost benefits. )
There’s no secret of how I provide and put food on the table for me and my family,
the more people I sit down with and more families I protect the better I do and I wanna be great at what I do.
I know you probably keep the majority of people in your phone, so if you wanna pull out your phone I just ask for 2 to 3 people that come to mind who you know need this protection.
Hey {MEMBER}, I’m really glad that we got your family protected today. This was such a selfless and smart thing that you did. {MEMBER}, let me ask you, out of all the things you did today to protect your loved ones, what’s going to give you the most piece of mind? Why?
That’s what all of the members say. Again, great job. Your family is going to thank you on one of the worst days of their lives that you had the foresight to set this up.
{MEMBER} let me ask you this, Did I answer all your questions? AND THEN Did I DO a good job for you today? I mean you would recommend me right? Ok, perfect.
Everytime I help a family I ALWAYS ASK FOR REFERRALS because if i did a good job for you, my goal is to do a good job for everyone else that you know that’s close to you as well.
I know you mentioned your (XYZ relationships). I’ll make sure we get them squared away. Who would be the next Joe that I could help out? If you can’t think of anyone, think of….
People that just got married
Just got divorced
Just had first baby
Bought a home / sold a home
Any change in life or just anyone in General really… Who’s next!?
Also, if you didn’t think I was pushy, and you thought I did a good job, would you make sure these people sit down with me?
I’m going to call these people tomorrow between __ & __(TIME). If I can’t reach them, it’ll most likely get passed along to someone else.
Do you want it to be someone else, or do you want it to be me?
My number is (XXX)XXX-XXXX. I don’t care if you shoot them a call or a text but let them know I’ll be calling tomorrow at what time? Yep.
All I need you to tell them is I handle some of the benefits for you through the _____{GROUP} and to sit down with me, cool?
Almost everyone takes advantage of this program…you know…like you…because of the value, and the cost is very small compared to the many benefits.
Now it’s very rare, but sometimes a member needs to make adjustments…could be a week, a month, or a year later.
The point is that this is not a short-term fix…it’s a long-term solution, and the longer you are into the program the more the value.
So, if this $XX is uncomfortable for you right now, let’s fix it while I am here. How does everything feel? Good…then please make sure to keep this important program in place for your family.